Raw Generic Hash (Blake2b) FunctionsΒΆ

The nacl library comes with blake hashing libraries.

More information on Blake can be found here: https://blake2.net

The blake2b hashing algorithm is a keyed hashing algorithm, which allows for a key to be associated with a hash. Blake can be executed with or without a key.

With a key (they key can should be between 16 and 64 bytes):

import libnacl

msg = 'Is there someone else up there we could talk to?'
key = libnacl.randombytes(32)
h_msg = libnacl.crypto_generichash(msg, key)

Without a key:

import libnacl

msg = 'Is there someone else up there we could talk to?'
h_msg = libnacl.crypto_generichash(msg)